




Call Our Firm If You Or A Loved One Has Been Injured

Lost Wages/Lost Pay

Once a person realizes that an injury is serious enough to prevent work for weeks, months or even permanently, major financial worries quickly kick in. If you were injured on the job, your ability to pay other bills and support your family may depend absolutely on the compensation you receive for lost earnings.

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Have You Run Into Problems Obtaining Workers Compensation Benefits?

Having your South Carolina workers compensation claim denied or payments delayed can be economically devastating. Cases involving any such dispute, a potential permanent disability or a workplace fatality call for skilled, focused legal representation. You can turn to John P. Griffith, an Anderson attorney for recovering lost wages and lost pay, to get exactly that.

Diligent Advocacy To Help You Recover The Lost Income You Deserve

Under longstanding South Carolina law, the great majority of work accident victims are entitled to two-thirds of their average weekly wages while off the job. As of 2012, the maximum allowable lost wage benefit was set at $725.47 per week. Obtaining the full amount you are entitled to, for the full period of time you cannot work, can be critical.

Attorney John P. Griffith has helped hundreds of individuals and families get all the compensation they need and deserve for lost wages. His case experience extends across the spectrum of work-related injuries, as well as on-the-job fatalities and wrongful termination claims. His approach to workers compensation disputes includes:

  • Thorough upfront evaluation of the injury, accident and source of any dispute, in order to clearly establish the clients’ rights and form a viable, effective strategy
  • Aggressively targeting a just outcome through negotiation or a workers compensation hearing or appeal if necessary

Statewide Representation, Including Oconee County: A Workers Compensation Attorney Who Will Prioritize Your Case

At Smith & Griffith, LLP, you can count on compassion for your situation and prioritization of your case. You will work closely with a lawyer who stands up to insurance companies and employers that deny their obligations to injured workers. For a free consultation focused on your specific needs and concerns, call 864-261-1912 or contact us online anytime.